Potty training can be an exciting and sometimes challenging process for both parents and children. For equipment, tools, or steps for How To Potty Train, see our article here. However, here are some things to consider when potty training your child:


The best time to start potty training is when your child shows signs of readiness, such as being able to stay dry for longer periods of time, expressing an interest in the potty, and being able to follow simple instructions.


It’s important to be consistent with potty training, as this can help your child learn more quickly. Establish a routine and encourage your child to use the potty at regular intervals throughout the day.

Praise and Encouragement

Positive reinforcement can be a powerful tool in potty training. Be sure to praise your child for their efforts and successes, and offer encouragement when they have accidents.


Potty training can be a frustrating process, and it’s important to be patient with your child. Every child is different and will learn at their own pace.


Accidents are a normal part of the potty training process, and it’s important to remain calm and matter-of-fact when they happen. Help your child clean up and move on, rather than scolding or punishing them.

By following these tips and being patient and consistent, you can help your child successfully master the process of potty training. Remember, it’s important to let your child lead the way and to celebrate their achievements as they learn this important skill.

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  1. […] See our post on preparing for potty training here. […]

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