As you step into the third trimester of your pregnancy, finding exercise routines that cater to the unique needs of your changing body becomes crucial. While energy levels might fluctuate, there are plenty of stationary options that provide a gentle yet effective way to stay active. In this blog post, we’ll explore stationary exercises suitable for the third trimester, focusing on promoting strength, flexibility, and overall well-being. Checkout our overview post about exercise during pregnancy. See our guide for second trimester exercises.

Safety First: Consult with Your Healthcare Provider

Personalized Guidance: Before embarking on any exercise routine during the third trimester, prioritize your safety and consult with your healthcare provider. Their personalized guidance ensures that your chosen exercises align with your health and specific circumstances.

Seated Cardiovascular Exercises

Chair Leg Lifts: Sit on a sturdy chair and lift one leg at a time, engaging the core muscles. This exercise promotes lower body circulation without strain.

Seated Marching: While seated, lift your knees one at a time in a marching motion. This low-impact exercise improves cardiovascular health and maintains mobility.

Strength Training with Minimal Movement

Seated Resistance Band Exercises: Incorporate resistance band exercises while seated to target various muscle groups. Examples include seated rows and bicep curls, ensuring controlled movements.

Static Wall Sits: Perform wall sits to engage the quadriceps and glutes. Adjust the depth of the sit to your comfort level, ensuring no strain on the lower back.

Pelvic Floor Exercises and Stability

Seated Kegels: Practice Kegel exercises while seated to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Hold each contraction for a few seconds and release, ensuring proper form.

Seated Pelvic Tilts: While seated on an exercise ball or sturdy chair, practice gentle pelvic tilts to alleviate lower back discomfort and enhance stability.

Gentle Stretching for Flexibility

Seated Cat-Cow Stretch: Perform a seated version of the cat-cow stretch to promote spinal flexibility and relieve tension. Move through the stretch in a controlled manner.

Seated Forward Bend: Gently bend forward from the hips while seated to stretch the lower back and hamstrings. Hold the stretch for a comfortable duration.

Breathing and Relaxation Techniques

Seated Deep Breathing: Incorporate seated deep breathing exercises to manage stress and promote relaxation. Focus on inhaling deeply through the nose and exhaling slowly through the mouth.

Stay Hydrated and Listen to Your Body

Hydration: Ensure you remain well-hydrated, especially during stationary exercises. Water intake supports overall well-being and helps prevent dehydration.

Body Awareness: Pay attention to your body’s signals. If you experience any discomfort, modify or discontinue the exercise. Always consult with your healthcare provider if you have concerns.

Staying active in the third trimester doesn’t always require extensive movement. Stationary exercises can offer a gentle yet effective way to maintain strength, flexibility, and overall well-being. Prioritize safety, enjoy the stillness, and celebrate the unique journey of staying active in the later stages of pregnancy. Every seated stretch and controlled movement is a testament to the incredible strength and resilience of your body as you prepare for the arrival of your little one.